Dr. Williams's Library
In 2018 Corbett & Tasker were appointed as structural engineers to carry out a series of structural surveys and feasibility studies on the Dr. Williams's Library building in Bloomsbury, London.
The building was completed in 1848 and designed as a University Hall to provide accommodation for students and tutors together with a lecture hall and a library. Following the college relocating to Oxford, Dr Williams’s Library acquired the building in 1890 which has been used continuously as a library since then.
Working for Corbett & Tasker structural engineers, my main tasks included initially a series of photographic surveys, opening up works and crack monitoring to investigate the existing structures.
In the following phase, I worked on a more formal structural assessment of the existing, particularly on historic timber, steel and cast iron floors, aimed to inform a general strengthening scheme for the entire building to allow its use as a modern office, library and storage space.
Architect: John Eaton Architecture
Client: The Trustees of Dr. Williams's Library
Structural Engineer: Corbett & Tasker