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The Connections Pavillion
London Festival of Architecture 2018

The Connections Community Pavillion is a temporary stage built with reclaimed materials for the 2018 London Festival of Architecture in Granby Place, Waterloo. 

The stage has been co-designed by Collective Works and Onegéan Environmental Lab with the aim of creating a gathering place where existing groups can congregate and individuals can form new connections.


The main structure has been designed around 2 industrial shelving trusses (Dexion system) acting as primary vertical structures. The roof is formed with timber joists of different sizes and a canvas. 


Working for Corbett & Tasker structural engineers, I provided technical support in the design phase with simple structural principles and checks. This included a general assessment of the reclaimed structural material and overall equilibrium and overturning checks for safety under wind loads. 



Architect: Collective Works, Ongéan 

Production Designer: Chris Daniel - Polysemic

Structural Engineer: Corbett & Tasker

Photos: Collective Works


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